Some revolutions succeed, some end “not with a bang, but a whimper”, as a poet famously said.
And, sadly, a whimper it is for many. The history of innovation is full of “could haves” and “should
haves”. We could have been using Sony tablets since 2002, had the Sony Airboard taken off
successfully, and we could have been wearing Google Glass since 2012, had its functionality
been a little more palatable. And this is not to mention flops across other industries, such as, for
example, the revolutionary electric GM EV1 or Coda EV in the recent automotive history. All these
are big-ticket items, but there are many quite spectacular flops among smaller technological
products, too.
By some estimates, every year, out of approximately 30 000 products launched, 75% to 95% fail.
Many of them were originally hyped as “revolutionary”. Why do so many fail? Some fall short of
claims, some require substantial customer education and never get it, for others there is no
market. Sometimes, however, the reasons why a product is a flop, pertain mainly to the design,
functions, and processes. Certainly, a failed aspiration to start a revolution in the industry can be
costly. But it may be just as costly to start an extensive redesign or an upgrade of a product that
has already been introduced. Technical flaws can bury the results of either endeavour.
Needless to say, there are methodologies that do just that: help analyse the product before it hits
the market and mitigate a possible fallout. Such methodologies, however, heavily rely on rating
scales that may look arbitrary, require time and highly skilled workforce, may not take into account
suppliers and customers, and not get into enough detail. Finally, the output of such methods is
hard to produce, hard to understand, and hard to maintain.
The way out is called Semorai. Using AI, Semorai performs a thorough cross-company analysis of
the production processes to identify possible failures and risks. With Semorai solution, companies
can decrease their quality costs by up to 35%, monitor their risks in real time and become more
resilient against quality issues. And this may give engineers more freedom to focus on solving the
challenges of our generation.