AI Community
Become a part of the AI revolution - share your perspective and support innovation


Our mission is to sustainably strengthen the AI ecosystem and foster closer collaboration among stakeholders from various sectors. To achieve this, we collect and analyze valuable data on programs, talents, startups, investors, and more. By participating, you help us create a comprehensive picture of the AI ecosystem and develop targeted measures for its advancement. Join this initiative and actively shape the future of AI!

The data is used exclusively by the AI Garage and is not shared with third parties. We use the Ninox platform to store the information in our internal database. The goal is to connect stakeholders effectively, for example, by linking individuals, institutions, and companies, fostering synergies between startup centers and startup programs, or involving talents in the founding process.

By taking part in the survey, you can share your needs and challenges directly. This helps us tailor future programs and offerings more effectively to your requirements. Additionally, you contribute to strengthening and raising the visibility of the AI ecosystem in Baden-Württemberg, which could open up new collaboration and funding opportunities for you.

Tell us about your program!

Incubation Centers
Connect your center and share your expertise!

Your skills are essential – help us spotlight talents in the AI landscape.

Founders and Co-Founders
Share your experiences as a founder – we want to include your perspective in the AI network.

Your startup is the future – let’s uncover together what the AI world needs!

Investors and Business Angels
Your investment strategy matters – help us shape the AI investment ecosystem!

AI and Business Mentors
Bring your experience to the table and empower the next generation of AI innovators.

Workshop Leaders
Your expertise inspires – share your insights and support the growth of the AI community.

Corporate Partners
Stronger together – tell us how your company is shaping the AI revolution.