If you have heard the story of Nick Vujicic, you may know what it’s like to live a life without arms and legs. People born with Tetra-amelia syndrome are unable to walk, care for their basic needs, or embrace those they love. Nick’s childhood was a struggle, physical, mental, and emotional. Throughout his childhood, in addition to the typical challenges of school and adolescence, he was experiencing depression and loneliness and even questioned if the life was worth living. However, over time, he discovered ways to deal with his disability and learned to write, surf, use the computer, and even drive a car. Today, Nick is a successful author and a sought-after motivational speaker. Tetra-amelia syndrome is a very rare disorder and is an extreme manifestation of the scale of challenges that people with disabilities have to face. Nick has developed a phenomenal ability to handle the practicalities of everyday living. Yet, some of the things he does would be impossible without devices specifically designed for his needs. Therefore, Semanux makes a significant contribution to improving the lives of people with disabilities by providing assistive software that allows users to operate their computers using non-traditional input devices. It allows for combination of multiple alternative devices, like an eye tracker plus a foot button, and enables much more intuitive control to give people like Nick to participate in the digital world as everybody else does. |